Kennedy Jr. submitted ... presidential election ballot, his campaign said Tuesday. Kennedy has officially gained ballot access in seven states—Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is simultaneously working to get on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and ...
Kennedy Jr. for ... that already has ballot access in a given state nominates them to lead their ticket there. Kennedy has successfully employed that strategy in Michigan and California, where ...
Kennedy Jr. believes he can get on all 50 state ballots in time for the 2024 presidential election. “One hundred percent — we will be on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of ...
Kennedy Jr. is nearing the polling threshold ... Kennedy has officially gained ballot access in seven states—Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma, Hawaii and Texas—according to ...
Kennedy Jr. to participate ... claims that it has made the ballot in 10 other states worth 166 electoral votes, including the most vote-rich states of California and Texas.
Kennedy Jr. appears on the ballot ... However, nearly a quarter of those electoral votes come from California, a state Kennedy is set to make the ballot running with the American Independence ...
Robert F. Kennedy's campaign Nevada law is confusing, unfair and unconstitutional in its requirements for independent ...
Kennedy Jr. announced he submitted the required signatures ... s standards for reporting,” the network said. Kennedy is now on the ballot in nine states: Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma ...
Fresh from submitting more than twice the number of petition signatures needed to qualify for a place on the 2024 Texas ballot in November, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr ...
Kennedy Jr.’s running mate ... As of last week, Kennedy was confirmed to appear on the ballot in Utah, Hawaii, Delaware, California, and Michigan, with six other states still pending.
Kennedy Jr. on Monday said he has enough ... state where the independent candidate has claimed ballot access so far. That list also includes California, which has the most electoral college ...