However, tax cuts are often partially self-financing. For example, CBO estimated the original 2017 TCJA would pay for 20 ...
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 presidential nominees, have already laid out ...
Maryland and the entire United States taxpaying public need to rethink their future personal budgets if President Joe Biden allows the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to expire next year as he has ...
Trump tax law was skewed to the rich, eroded the revenue base, and failed to deliver its promised economic benefits. Few ...
Bullish of former President Trump’s chances of winning back the White House in November, some conservatives are pitching a ...
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act nearly doubled the lifetime estate and gift tax exemptions wealthy individuals are able to use—from $5.6 million to $11.18 million for individuals, indexed for inflation ...
President Joe Biden and other leaders of the G7 nations met in Italy today and agreed on a plan to provide a $50 billion loan ...
Former President Donald Trump has announced his plans to further reduce the corporate tax rate, building on the cuts he ...
During his 78th birthday party, Donald Trump pledged deeper tax cuts if he wins the November 5th election. Addressing supporters in West Palm Beach, Florida, he promised further corporate and ...
The main purpose of this announcement was to divert attention from Trump’s earlier promise that, if elected, he’ll extend the ...
Former president tries to sell populist pledges to Wall Street titans at Business Roundtable event in Washington ...
Donald Trump arrived on Capitol Hill on Thursday to meet with Republican lawmakers to build unity ahead of the Nov. 5 ...