In a 2-to-1 decision, the panel sided with challengers who argued that the map that created a second Black majority district was an “impermissible racial gerrymander.” By Rick Rojas Reporting ...
A federal three-judge panel on Tuesday threw out Louisiana’s recently redrawn congressional map that included an additional majority-Black district, leaving the state without a settled ...
The judges set a May 6 hearing for all parties to discuss next steps. An appeal to the US Supreme Court is likely – casting doubt over what map will be used in this year’s elections. State ...
A federal court on Tuesday tossed out a newly drawn congressional map that created a second majority-Black district in Louisiana – in a potential blow to Democrats seeking to seize control of ...
A federal three-judge panel has thrown out Louisiana's new congressional map that created a second Black district, leaving the state's political boundaries in question with the November election ...
A federal three-judge panel has asked the Louisiana Legislature to draw yet another congressional map by June 3 or have the court produce "interim" boundaries to conduct the Nov. 5 election.
Federal judges who recently threw out a congressional election map giving Louisiana a second mostly Black district said Tuesday the state Legislature must pass a new map by June 3 or face having ...
Two Donald Trump-appointed federal judges handed down a ruling Tuesday that would block Louisiana from using a newly authorized voter map that established an additional majority-Black district.