Talking about your relationship over a text message, especially if you’ve been together for a long time, is like hearing that ...
It's no secret that America's medical system is extremely flawed, and many of the systems in place aren't very forgiving to ...
Nearly half of young adults in the U.S. are single — so why are we pretending like it’s some disgraceful and deplorable sign ...
One woman took to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for not contributing money to her boyfriend’s surgery. The woman ...
For hundreds of thousands of years, men have been the primary hunters and warriors for our family and community. These roles ...
If you have been single for a long stretch before tying the knot, remember, adapting to shared life can feel like a shoe that ...
If asked to explain what polyamory means and how being in polyamorous relationships works, most people would describe their ...
A mother was stunned when she learned that her daughter’s dance studio charged $100 for the recital outfits. She was even ...
It's time for your daily tarot card reading, and we have an extra powerful dose of energy flowing from the Full Moon. The ...
After further investigation, it became apparent that the Siegel they had banned was not him but his father. Apparently, Hertz ...
Once the papers are signed, sure, your divorce is "final". But there's a whole lot more healing that has to be done behind ...
Good friends are hard to come by, but you may be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to meet people when you focus on common interests. The Full Moon in Sagittarius activates your sector of ...