Lake County receives over $16 million from USDA Forest Service to reduce wildfire risk and invest in wood products as well as ...
OPINION- Now that it looks like Trump is seriously going to be the Republican nominee for president, who should his vice president be? If he’s headed for a catastrophic, 1964-style defeat, ...
OPINION- If nothing else, Newsom’s proposals underscore again the premise that declaring who or what is taxed is an arbitrary political act, not a rational exercise.
Assembly Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D- Winters) announced that Assembly Bill 2237 and Assembly Bill 2703 passed the Assembly Floor with decisive bipartisan support. These crucial pieces of ...
The long holiday weekend will see a lot of fishermen on the lake. Memorial Day is always popular with fishermen. There are no ...
Given extreme weather events of recent decades, schools must prepare next generations for a technological world everybody must navigate, yet require a safe environment to do so.
David Goldberg, CTA President, noted he was refusing to let students education experience to be defined by cuts.
Jury trial set for Arcata man charged with multiple burglaries in Mendocino and Lake counties When an Arcata man charged with felony burglary and vandalism failed to appear for a master calendar call ...
Rep. Thompson serves as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Tax for the Ways and Means Committee. He introduced the original legislation to provide tax relief to PG&E fire victims in the 117th ...
So on Memorial Day, and a few months later on Veterans Day, let us honor the warriors and the dead for their bravery and sacrifice. But let us also not forget the rescuers. They saved more than the ...
OPINION- The much-revised 2024-25 state budget that Gov. Gavin Newsom released last week contains hundreds of spending reductions and other actions to close what he says is a $44.9 billion deficit.
This week the Lake County Board of Supervisors held their weekly meeting on Tuesday at the County Courthouse Chambers as well as online via Zoom and discussed increases to fire mitigation fees, ...