For the Paris Olympics to become a super-spreader event, several factors must overlap. There needs to be enough mosquitoes, ...
Recruitment has now been paused on all hospital roles that are not patient-facing and all public health roles that are not community-facing as part of the cost cutting. Health NZ Te Whatu Ora says the ...
Gaming Disorder is an addiction to gaming where a person cannot control the habit and prioritises it over relationships, education and work. “About 3 percent of gamers are diagnosed with a Gaming ...
The coalition Government is delivering record levels of targeted investment in specialist schools so children with additional needs can thrive. As part of Budget 24, $89 million has been ringfenced to ...
Following concerns raised with BMJ we are investigating the quality of the research and the messaging used in Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our ...
Perinatal depression is common and carries considerable risks, yet patients often receive contradictory information regarding the safety of antidepressant use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In ...
Spending on contractors and consultants continues to fall and the size of the Public Service workforce has started to decrease after years of growth, according to the latest data released today by the ...
Perhaps the Victorian physiologist Joseph Barcroft is one of the most prolific self-experimenters. His repertoire ranges from ...
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) has launched for the first time a double health degree and dual registration pathway within a continuous four-year course of study. Created in conjunction with ...
A substantial consultation on work health and safety will begin today with a roadshow across the regions over the coming months, says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden. This ...
The Government’s consultation on the health and safety system is a welcome opportunity to make workplaces safer and healthier. Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Hon Brooke van Velden, today ...
Perinatal depression is common and carries considerable risks, yet patients often receive contradictory information regarding ...