CPUs the size of dinner plates are enabling computer simulations that are two orders of magnitude better than conventional ...
Diagnosing illness is a job best left to physicians. But there’s no harm, and potentially some benefit, to doing a little ...
For nearly 200 years, Florence Nightingale’s name has been synonymous with gentle compassion and mercy. In the mid-19th ...
Hunter-gatherers likely used Tagua Tagua Lake as a seasonal stop, watering hole 12,000 years ago.
AI chatbots are butting into human spaces.
The artistic community has long debated where the renowned portrait’s backdrop is set. Geologist and Renaissance specialist ...
Could we ever fly sustainably? Learn why that answer is yes and what types of fuel could help the environment.
Learn how our brain stores organizes and stores memories in our sleep, making it easier for us to remember them.
Despite their newfound status as a game-changing weight-loss treatment, diabetes drugs like Ozempic may come with an elevated ...
Kicking the meat habit can be good for your health, but there are some caveats to a vegetarian diet you should be aware of.
While some of these illnesses have a likely source, there are a few that have researchers stumped.
Why do pets get allergies and when is their allergy season? Learn what pet allergy symptoms are and how to prevent them.