The following is an excerpt from The People’s Spaceship: NASA, the Shuttle Program, and Public Engagement after Apollo by Amy ...
If you’re an amateur astronomer of a certain age, you’ll remember where you were in the winter of 1985–86, when Halley’s ...
When astronomers turn our radio telescopes out towards space, we sometimes detect sporadic bursts of radio waves originating ...
William “Bill” Anders, former Apollo 8 astronaut, died in a plane crash on Friday, June 7, 2024. Anders was piloting a small ...
The red dwarf is 600 light-years away and gives astronomers a front-row view to the environments in which rocky planets like ...
The simple answer to the question is the camera settings used to take most photos from the Moon weren’t designed to capture ...
Although the next major meteor shower — the Southern Delta Aquariids — doesn’t hit until next month, our skies are never ...
SpaceX’s Starship’s upper stage survived the fires of reentry to make a first-ever successful controlled landing. but not ...
Oleg Kononenko, the first person to log 1,000 days off Earth, has orbited the planet 16,000 times and flown 420 million miles ...
June’s pre-dawn sky finds six planets strung along the ecliptic, spanning 72° on the 1st. In order of increasing elongation ...
Oumuamua was discovered in 2017 and was determined to be the first object ever seen inside the solar system that had come ...
Not to sound like a broken record, but records are made to be broken. And the James Webb Space Telescope has just ...