Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of Innsbruck in Austria have developed a simpler and more ...
An Osaka Metropolitan University-led research team shows how health education given through videoconferencing can promote ...
Aerogels, known for their porosity and low density, are solid materials that offer versatile functionality — from gobbling up ...
Several million cells divide every second in our bodies. During nuclear division (mitosis), the genetic material must be distributed correctly and ...
Aortocoronary dissection is a rare and potentially fatal complication of percutaneous coronary intervention. It is more common when performing interventions of the right coronary artery or during ...
As global life expectancy increases, cardiologists increasingly face challenges of caring for an older population requiring complex coronary revascularization. A substantial portion of these patients ...
The ovary is an essential organ for female fertility, and its age-dependent decline in function is a major cause of ...
The brain is a particularly complex organ, not only in humans. Even the brain of a fly contains more than 100,000 neurons ...
Nothing like the common red, black, or brown ants, a stunning blue ant has been discovered from Yingku village in Arunachal ...
In a landmark advancement for precision manufacturing, the latest breakthroughs in magnetorheological (MR) polishing ...
A new scientific model is giving researchers an unprecedented, global look at the activities of clams, worms, and other ...
[DOUALA] L’Afrique dispose désormais d’un centre de recherche et de formation en diplomatie scientifique baptisé « Centre de ...