Expansion of Medicaid coverage will now include all-in-one mental health and substance use clinics; 61% of adults are ...
Hryar Attarian, MD, professor of neurology, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, shares findings on sleep inequities ...
Please provide a brief overview of PNH in the United States, including its incidence and prevalence. Please explain the ...
Please describe the mechanisms of intravascular and extravascular hemolysis in PNH. What distinguishes PNH from other ...
The new data shed light on long-term outcomes for patients receiving duvelisib, although the investigators said the treatment landscape has also shifted significantly since the original trial.
When patients are treated in primary care for high blood pressure, sociodemographic factors sway the rates at which they access patient portals, investigators found. This could influence their ...
This new analysis of nivolumab presented at ASCO 2024 shows the immune checkpoint inhibitor did not convery benefit when added to a regimen of neoadjuvant carboplatin, paclitaxel, and radiation.
The relationships among bipolar disorder, sleep, and circadian rhythms was emphasized in a panel held at SLEEP 2024.
The session held at SLEEP 2024 focused on the challenges of collecting data on sleep and circadian rhythms in adolescents, as well as the difference between home and lab measurements.
Caitlin Kindberg, patient advocate in Nashville, Tennessee, discusses her lived experience as an individual with idiopathic hypersomnia, and how the sleep disorder impacts her day-to-day life.
The Alliance A091902 trial is currently investigating paclitaxel with and without nivolumab in patients who are taxane naive and ...
The updated branding better reflects the group's mission of research and advocacy. JDRF, the leading type 1 diabetes (T1D ...