On a hot June morning, a sprawling community college in the West San Fernando Valley was the place where students from many ...
“I am a fan of the UCLA gymnastics team. I’ve watched their performances and they have some really great athletes.” “I would say Duke University, their basketball team. I’ve seen them play and they’re ...
Alex Farasat and Melissa Jauregui took the first place prizes in informational and persuasive public speech categories respectively in the 8th Annual Speech Tournament held May 17. Jauregui’s speech ...
“I play the marimba, so I’m going to be getting some lessons from one of the people that I play with. I’m going to be preparing for auditions in the fall for this music group that I do. I’ve applied ...
Pierce College is a big campus. With 426 acres, it’s difficult to keep its students safe all the time. According to the Title IX page on the Pierce website, among the nine ways a student can stay safe ...
“I think someone graduating should demonstrate how they have changed and how they work, and how they’ve grown as a worker but also a leader. Because after college comes the work.” “I think what makes ...
After coming to the United States in 2003 and enrolling at Pasadena City College, a young man from Indonesia didn’t yet know what career path to take. After discovering the college’s biotech program, ...
Being a professor can often be a thankless job. Students sometimes see certain classes as more of a roadblock to reaching their goal of graduation than an opportunity to expand their knowledge. This ...
Students in the Applied Music Program (AMP) showcased their work on Thursday in the Performing Arts Building. The genres of music that students performed on stage included classical, jazz and opera.
The Pierce College Veterans Club hosted a De-Stress Event on May 22 in the LLC Courtyard, where students participated in different activities a week before finals. Some students decorated special ...
Pierce College is doing well with having established partnerships with four-year universities, but it can expand to ensure better transfer rates and student success. Field trips to universities are ...