Wondering what to do with your old books? Here are ten responsible ideas to pass on, recycle, or repurpose those paperbacks and hardbacks you no longer want. If you’re an avid reader, then I’m sure ...
Looking to declutter your home sustainably? I’ve got lots of tips to help keep your unwanted possessions out of landfill – for every item you could ever imagine. If you’ve ever looked around your home ...
Wondering how to wash your favourite baseball cap without ruining it? Here are my tried and tested eco-friendly tips to get stains out, so you can wear your cap again and again. As the sun poked its ...
Are you unwittingly making any recycling faux pas? Here are 10 sneaky things you can’t recycle at home, that may surprise you. Recycling can feel like an enigma wrapped in a conundrum sometimes. I’m ...
Stumped by which UK charities plant trees? Leaf it to me, and we’ll get to the root of the problem with this handy guide to reforestation charities across the country. Looking to plant trees in 2024?
Got questions about cleaning with sodium percarbonate? Here’s almost everything you need to know about this more natural cleaning product – from what it is, how to clean with it, what not to clean ...
Looking for the best women’s ethical clothing brands? Here are over 50 of the very best sustainable brands available right now. I always say that the most sustainable clothing is the clothing you ...
Over the years I’ve shared a number of natural cleaning products to DIY. There seems to be more and more interest in natural cleaning products lately, which is pretty amazing. Who needs those ...