Supporters of the new California minimum wage law for fast-food restaurants claim it will bolster economic opportunity for ...
Ensuring private property rights was essential for the development of the capitalist economy in the Western world. To any of the libertarians such rights are ...
The watchword in higher education today is decolonization, which depends upon what Ludwig von Mises called racial polylogism.
The mentality of Build Back Better is not just confined to the US. Around the world, governments are resorting to the ancient ...
The price of copper has hit an all-time high. This represents a signal about the world economy. The euphemism on Wall Street for the implications of the price ...
People act according to incentives, and university professors are no exception. Professors receive tenure and promotion based ...
The Federal Reserve has repeatedly been a key component in boom and bust events in the global economy since the 1920s. China ...
Politicians will invoke the venerable just war theory when they believe they can manipulate the facts in their favor. In ...
International politics is a struggle between nations with conflicting interests, not a struggle between good and evil powers.
Israel’s defenders act like Netanyahu and his allies have had no choice but to react to October 7 in the manner that they ...
As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the ...
The mentality of Build Back Better is not just confined to the US. Around the world, governments are resorting to the ancient ...