ETH researchers have developed a type of chocolate that is more sustainable and nutritious than conventional varieties. Cocoa ...
A con­ver­sa­tion with Dr. Ra­fael Mari­ano Grossi, Dir­ector Gen­eral of the In­ter­na­tional Atomic En­ergy Agency (IAEA) ...
A new thermal trap developed by researchers at ETH Zurich uses sunlight to reach a temperature of over thousand degrees Celsius. The new technology minimises heat losses and thus makes it possible to ...
The "ETH Net Zero" programme bundles all activities for a far-reaching reduction in emissions in university operations between 2024 and 2030. ETH Zurich sees its path to Net Zero as being an ...
Drone propellers pose a risk: people can injure themselves on their rotating blades, and objects or the drone itself can be damaged in the event of collisions. The eleven-strong team of the AVERO ...
“In life, one must decide whether to conjugate the verb ‘to have’ or ‘to be’,” says Paolo Ermanni, citing a quote from the pianist Franz Liszt. Ermanni says he is glad to have decided on the latter.
Georg von Krogh brings a wealth of experience to this new appointment. He chairs the International Advisory Board at the Norwegian Research Council and has been a member of the Advisory Board at the ...
Professor Ueli Angst (*1980), currently Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Durability of Engineering Materials in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic ...
This project will be presented at this year's ETH Industry Day. Don't miss this exciting event on November 21 at the Zurich Convention Center.
In October 2024, former Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr will take up the post of Professor of Practice at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich. With his many ...
The ongoing development of artificial intelligence is often presented as a race between humans and machines. ETH professor Menna El- Assady takes a different approach: she wants to develop an AI that ...