The proposed model seeks to assist instructors and learners with a framing lens for how GenAI might be useful in educational ...
Academic and technologies teams at Barnard College developed an AI literacy framework to provide a conceptual foundation for ...
The Live Online Classrooms at Harvard Business School provide an immersive and dynamic classroom experience in which case ...
Last month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued the anticipated final rule to reclassify broadband internet access as a telecommunicati ...
To successfully prepare for and step into leadership roles as you move along your career path, you should consider several specific areas to improve your leadership toolkit and be prepared for that ...
When Tiffin University decided to integrate artificial intelligence tools directly into its courses and curriculum, the Center for Online and Extended Learning implemented the use of design statements ...
Cybersecurity maturity is difficult. The CIS Benchmarks can help higher education institutions address key areas of vulnerability and secure their technology and data. At the beginning of the 2021 ...
Lockpicking has a lot to teach technology leaders about much of the work we do on a day-to-day basis. Credit: David Seidl. Reprinted with permission. Credit: John O'Brien. Reprinted with permission.
Any leadership transition can be hard for an institution, but CFO/CBO transitions appear to be especially challenging for technology teams. Early and frequent communication with new leaders, as well ...
Elizabeth Newall: 00:15 I should say that the initial thinking for this work started about 15 months ago. So if you cast your minds back to that point in time, we were coming out of Covid. We were ...
Recent advancements in generative AI, particularly near real-time voice interaction capabilities, necessitate a pivotal shift in language education methodologies. This interactive technology simulates ...