Cochise County Supervisors Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby’s attempts to see two felony charges for allegedly delaying the canvass ...
Women in Arizona won't be denied access to abortion, at least up to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy, because an 1864 abortion ...
It’s unlikely Arizona Republicans will impeach Attorney General Kris Mayes – at least not this year. And the reason is that a ...
Between the current and coming year, GOP legislative leaders and Hobbs came up with $1.4 billion in cuts that hit across all ...
The 56th regular legislative session is over on the 160th day after lawmakers narrowly passed a $16.1 billion budget filled ...
A budget package that lawmakers negotiated to address a $1.8 billion deficit over the next two years almost failed to get ...
Transgender people have an absolute right to get their Arizona birth certificates amended without having to first undergo ...
The current funding formula is not the problem. The lack of sufficient funding that keeps the state ranked last and does not ...
Republicans who control the Arizona Legislature have reached a deal on a pared-down state budget after lengthy talks with ...
Local governments should be able to determine what’s best for their communities whether it be expanding bus systems, ...
Attorney General Kris Mayes says if state lawmakers and Gov. Katie Hobbs want to immediately seize $75 million out of an ...
State Treasurer Kimberly Yee is asking Attorney General Kris Mayes to back away from any investigation of whether laws were ...