"I absolutely agree that we need new and better treatments for PTSD," said Paul Holtzheimer, deputy director for research at ...
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime issues a new report on East and Southeast Asian drug trafficking, California psychedelic reform proponents ponder a 2026 initiative, and more. The abortion drug ...
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime issues a new report on East and Southeast Asian drug trafficking, California psychedelic reform proponents ponder a 2026 initiative, and more. The abortion drug ...
South Korea threatens to arrest its citizens if they smoke pot in countries where it is legal, Ireland wields harm reduction services as summer festival season arrives, and more. The DEA releases its ...
A national scandal is brewing in the Big Easy over thousands of people imprisoned without access to lawyers or the courts. Feature: Brazilian President Signs New Drug Law -- No Jail for Users ...
South Dakota's medical marijuana campaign has sued the state attorney general over ballot explanation they charge is illegally misleading. Feature: Signature Drive for Portland "Lowest Priority" ...
In a case with national implications, a prominent pain physician jailed as a drug dealer has won a right to a new trial. Visit our new web site each day to see a running countdown to the events coming ...
The DEA is working hand in glove with one of the nation's largest telecommunications providers, exploiting AT&T's 26-year phone call database to help make criminal cases in what had previously been a ...
Two Texas cops lose their jobs, a California jail guard gets busted at the playground, a Tennessee sheriff's lieutenant cops to slinging pain pills, and an Arizona Customs officer is headed for the ...
From sea to shining sea, people took to the streets for protests and vigils to mark the 40th anniversary of Nixon's war on drugs. The Bombay High Court in Mumbai (Image via Wikimedia.org) India Court ...
An initiative campaign that aims to make Florida the first Southern medical marijuana state has passed an important early hurdle. It's looking at the November 2014 ballot -- if the legislature hasn't ...
ALERT: Marijuana Legalization Bill in Congress! A bipartisan group of US Representatives has introduced Congress's first marijuana legalization bill. Please visit our action alert web site to take ...