When thinking about planting ideas for your backyard ... Some varieties, such as this Liriope muscari 'Variegata' from Garden Goods Direct, have attractive variegated foliage as well striking mauve ...
Liriope, commonly known as monkey grass, is typically considered as herbaceous planting but can be grown ... However, for an unusual monkey grass option, variegated or silver-foliage options ...
Chives are a handy and flavorful kitchen herb, and because it's a perennial, a single planting can come back year after year. Growing carrots around peppers can help to shade out some of the weeds ...
These gardening quotes reveal just how many great artists, writers, thinkers, and leaders have relied on gardens throughout history for calmness, inspiration, clarity of thought, and a sense of ...
Second earlies take 16 to 17 weeks to mature after planting, so you should be able to harvest them from very late June through to the start of August. Maincrops are ready 18 to 20 weeks after ...
Beyond that, you have to do the physical labor involved in planting your first garden. From my perspective, the best way to really get started with gardening is to arm yourself with the ...
Planting wildflowers will bring benefits to your local bees and butterflies, as well as brightening up any area. You can also work with your local community, school or council to get permission to ...
Choose succulents and other less flammable plants for foundation planting. For more information on fire-smart landscaping, see readyforwildfire.org.
He lives on Long Island, New York. Reach out to him on LinkedIn. Planting grass seed at the right time of year is key to your lawn’s health. Your grass type and local climate will determine the ...
Subsequently, the head of the Forest Force submitted a report to the State Forest Minister saying it hadn’t permitted the planting of eucalyptus trees inside forests. On May 20, the government ...
During photosynthesis a plant absorbs light energy using the pigment chlorophyll. This allows it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. This glucose is: After a few minutes, the parts ...