A trainer breaks down how to perform five of his go-to upper-body gym workouts for women to build strength and get toned.
Activate your back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and core with this super speedy 10-minute dumbbell workout with Kelsey Wells.
This year at my annual check-up, my doctor said something I didn't expect: “Have you considered strength training? You basically have no muscle.” This is true—and quite frankly, embarrassing. I have ...
In today's fast-paced world, where time and resources are often limited, the idea of achieving weight loss and toning your ...
Incorporating various exercises into your "arm day" routine helps ensure balanced muscle development. The right arm exercises ...
Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Why Trust Us? Bodyweight exercises are convenient, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy.
WANT to tone your arms before slipping into strapless dresses? Then say hello to one of the most underrated yet vital muscles ...
Try this fun-filled, energizing total body workout from fitness instructor Jake DuPree, including split squats, jumping jacks ...
There are 2 types of exercise when it comes to resistance training: compound and isolation. Compound exercises use multiple ...
Whether it’s bicep curls, tricep extensions, or military press, we all know standing exercises are pretty reliable when it comes to adding size to our upper body. But if you fancy switching ...
You want to be thin and fit, and yet you think of yourself as out-of-shape and fat. Re-program your mind to think of yourself ...
On the first day, I thought I’d do 50 on each leg and be done with it. My body took another position, which can be boiled ...