The Bible isn’t shy in declaring that God loves us.
Then a mysterious illness appeared that threatened Koelbl’s health, career and even salvation. In anticipation of Father’s ...
One of the most important aspects of God's heart is His unconditional love. How do we know God’s this? The Bible offers us an ...
Roxanne Louh, a family therapist in Florida, conducts marriage seminars with her husband, a Greek orthodox priest — and ...
In all of these, God is perfect. Because He is perfectly just, God can’t/doesn’t forgive sin! Genesis 2:17 — “of the tree of ...
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from ...
A heart filled with the love of God overflows like water rushing over a dam, spilling out of us and into the hearts and lives ...
“There are different Greek terms for love, the biggest being agape; the more common portrayal of love, which is the unconditional love, which is a reflection of God. And if you look at the Hebrew term ...
"I believe that this character went to the end result of a way of life and said, 'Well, that didn't work out so well," the ...
POWELL, Tenn. — On a quaint road a few minutes from downtown Powell, there's a church where a banner waves almost year-round ...
A funny thing then happened. A friend of mine showed me his Leica M3, made in 1956. I handled it and fell in love with it. A camera, it’s just a camera, but my god, what a camera. Within two weeks I ...
Last month, Jesse Hutch and his wife Loreili celebrated 15 years of marriage, “with God at the centre.” “15 years of Marriage ...