They explained in a post to r/vegetablegardening that they'd been sent topsoil instead of garden mix and only noticed after ...
Take care to not solely rely on this method, however, as planting slug repellent plants tends to be be much more effective.
Traditional farming techniques involve tilling the soil each year and then planting and cultivating one crop on narrow ridges ...
Using a sharp, sterilized pair of scissors or pruners, take 4- to 6-inch-long stem cuttings from a healthy basil plant by ...
Wisconsin farmers were in the midst of a "flash drought." However, persistent rain showers this year have left standing water ...
I have healthy amnesia with respect to planting veggie gardens. Every few years I give it another go, forgetting the ...
Build a compost pile as you would craft a lasagna. Construct the pile by alternating 2-inch layers of brown (dead leaves, ...
It was a wet and warm spring for Martha and Andrew Winters, who farm 2 miles west of Fremont in Ohio’s Sandusky County. It ...
Farmers have been evaluating crop stands. It’s a terrific time to be in the field because we can gather meaningful ...
Marigolds produce thiophene, which deters harmful nematodes in the soil. Providing shade and a cooler microclimate for certain plants can also be accomplished with companion planting. Try ...
Corn and soybean planting has wrapped up for a northeast Nebraska farmer. Greg Anderson says he navigated some planting ...
The Volta River Authority (VRA) has since the inception of the Green Ghana Day initiative planted a total of 5,600 tree ...