Fighting a preliminary injunction before the Sixth Circuit, Ohio argued Wednesday that a state law outlawing abortions if a woman’s decision is based on indications that a fetus has Down syndrome is ...
Ohio’s ban on abortions because of a Down syndrome diagnosis remains in effect, following a federal court decision in 2021. see also Minority Democrats proposed a House measure to bring state ...
Such agreements have been rendered impossible to get by related laws in some cases. Ohio’s ban on abortions because of a Down ...
Ohio’s ban on abortions because of a Down syndrome diagnosis remains in effect, following a federal court decision in 2021. Minority Democrats proposed a House measure to bring state law into ...
Ohio’s ban on abortions because of a Down syndrome diagnosis remains in effect, following a federal court decision in 2021. Minority Democrats proposed a House measure to bring state law into ...
COLUMBUS — A county judge could rule as early as Monday on Ohio’s law banning virtually all abortions, a decision that will take into consideration the decision by voters to enshrine ...