But outside of 2024, the US has approved few new antibiotics in recent years. Only 17 new systemic antibiotics and one ...
The strategy could lead to a new class of antibiotics that attack dangerous bacteria in a powerful new way, overcoming ...
In September last year, the health department introduced a new treatment plan, called BPaL-L and which ... some germs will ...
The following is a summary of “Efficacy and safety of antibiotics targeting Gram-negative bacteria in nosocomial pneumonia: a ...
Do you pop in antibiotics everytime you feel feverish? You need to stop doing that right away and read this.Antibiotics are ...
“The increasing number of bacterial infections that are no longer responding to any available antibiotics indicate an urgent ...
Researchers have developed a new ­antibiotic that kills bad bacteria, but spares healthy gut bacteria. The drug, called ...
The pipeline of new antibiotics to curb the antimicrobial resistance crisis remains inadequate. Belgium is developing a new ...
Researchers have developed a new antibiotic drug that kills pathogenic bacteria while sparing healthy microbes.Called ...