Some of the featured bargain items that customers can get their hands on include ground Wagyu beef, high-end ice cream brands ...
Manuka honey has become increasingly popular in recent years, and can be very expensive. It tends to be sold as having health benefits - but what is the evidence for these? Manuka honey originated ...
With the flowering of the Manuka tree a pilgrimage ensues. Our honey is made by a Maori-owned company of beekeepers who follow the natural lifecycle of each flowering tree, moving across New Zealand ...
Researchers at Oxford University have found honey does relieve the symptoms of coughs and colds, in particular, manuka honey (though that does tend to come at a high price). There’s even medical ...
The rise of Manuka honey in India is a testament to its growing popularity among health-conscious consumers. Known for its potent antibacterial properties and high levels of bioactive compounds like ...
Comvita's manuka honey sells for nearly twice as much here as it does in Germany. Local people are paying twice as much for some Comvita products as consumers on the other side of the world - even ...
One small study, published in June 2017, in the journal Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, investigated the effect of manuka honey on 14 eczema patients. The study participants were asked to ...
Una vuelta de tuerca siniestra a los personajes literarios creados por Alan Alexander Milne. En esta película, Pooh y Piglet se convierten en los principales villanos, tras ser abandonados por ...