[Andrew Consroe] recently put together a postmortem video about this experimental CNC scroll saw. While he never quite got it working reliably, we think his approach is absolutely fascinating and ...
Getting Started with Scroll Saw Projects Before diving into the world of scroll saw projects, it's essential to choose the ...
Most jigs, however, are considerably simpler and more static than this CNC-controlled scroll saw add-on that makes cool wooden spirals a snap. As interesting as the products of this setup are ...
A sturdy band saw makes rip cuts like a table saw, crosscuts like a miter saw, and reduces the thickness of a board like a planer. With the right band, these tools cut metal, too. Band saws do ...
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. What on earth happened with Saw X? Usually I would be saying that in a bad way, but somehow, something almost unbelievable ...
The Saw saga has (so far) been told across 10 movies. The horror franchise remains active 20 years after its first debuted in 2004. Now with its latest movie, Saw X, available to to watch at home ...
Security footage has captured one man's remarkably lucky escape after a huge concrete saw blade flew through a car park and lodged itself in a building he had entered just seconds earlier.
The police arrested the driver of the sports utility vehicle, which was allegedly part of BJP poll candidate Karan Bhushan Singh’s cavalcade.
It wasn't his time. In a scene out of horror movie a man narrowly escaped a saw blade as it came barreling towards him ...
Eventually, you stop and want to get back to the top of the page. Now what? Do you have to endlessly scroll all that way back up? The answer is no. That's because there's a hidden solution that's ...
The pad's lower and right edges enable you to scroll through long documents and Web pages. The lower edge scrolls horizontally, the right edge scrolls vertically and the two together handle the ...