El durillo es un arbusto de gran tamaño de hasta 7 m de altura y muy ramificado, perenne, de hojas simples, enteras, duras y persistentes, que se distribuyen de forma opuesta. Éstas son de gran tamaño ...
Many viburnum are grown for their flower display and a few for their showy fruit. In general, the heaviest fruit set occurs when several different named selections of seedlings that bloom at the same ...
Snowball viburnum are sturdy evergreen plants that will grow well in the most basic conditions. They prefer soil that is moist and, of course, the more fertile the better. However, you don't ...
As a low-maintenance and fast-growing shrub, it is no wonder that the viburnum genus has remained a popular planting option with gardeners. This diverse plant group has a range of evergreen and ...
The amount of pruning that a viburnum requires can be dependent on its type, so make sure to do your research before reaching for the pruning shears. The correct time to prune viburnums is after they ...
En Evergreen Entertainment no tienen que preocuparse por ello ya que llevan tantos años de experiencia que les sale de forma natural. Para demostrar sus decisiones acertadas, aquí tienes un listado de ...
Winter berries. Vector botanical illustration. Viburnum, barberry, hawthorn, ilex berries. Thuja and juniper branches. Seasonal frame. Black and white. evergreen tree line drawing stock illustrations ...
A well-maintained evergreen hedge has various uses in the garden. It can serve as a boundary, it can help to block out noise and unwanted views and, of course, it makes an attractive feature in its ...
Kalyná (Viburnum) es un arbusto de tamaño mediano que lleva bayas de color rojo bastante amargo, que son ampliamente utilizados en la medicina popular en toda Ucrania. Jugos de frutas, gelatinas, ...