The gallbladder sits just underneath the liver. It's function is collect bile made in the liver, which it then stores and concentrates. When fat is eaten, the gallbladder contracts to squeeze bile ...
Can you eat what you like when you have just had your gallbladder out? The surgeon said I could, but I am having terrible digestive problems and feel extremely nauseous most of the time. Anything ...
There are other non-infectious IUC-related adverse effects that occur the longer an indwelling urinary catheter (IUC), particularly a transurethral IUC, is used for bladder drainage. They include ...
Bladder cancer occurs when there are abnormal, cancerous cells growing uncontrollably in the lining of the bladder, which is the hollow organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine. These cancerous ...
A bladder infection with complications may require antibiotics for seven to 14 days. In addition to antibiotics, your healthcare provider may recommend taking Pyridium (phenazopyridine hydrochloride) ...
Before, it felt like my bladder was on overtime every night ... Mixing exotic herbs and scientifically backed ingredients does work wonders. One full dropper a day keeps the worries away, proving ease ...
The kidneys filter the blood and develop urine, which then moves through tubes called ureters into the bladder. The bladder is a pouch that holds the urine until it is ready to leave the body. The ...
The bladder isnt injured often. The bones in the pelvis protect it from most outside forces. But the bladder can be injured by blows or piercing objects. Most often these are related to pelvic ...
The subtypes investigated in bladder cancer were CK19, CK20 and CK7 IHC/RT-PCR CK20: 56–46% [98,99]; CK7: 100% [99]; CK1: 93.1% [101] Association of CK19 with UPII detected pN0 patients with ...