Tanren, or forge folding, involves heating a special type of steel called tamahagane, and repeatedly pounding it with large ...
are on display in authentic "katana-kake" racks made in feudal times. "It is the first attempt for an exhibition devoted to Japanese swords held in Japan (to put the blades in katana-kake).
It’s perhaps in honor of this first year that Fender has now released its first nationally exclusive model in the Made in Japan Limited Cyclone. Lookswise, this is essentially a re-issue of the ...
Meanwhile, new brands popped up, and some of them released blends that included whisky distilled outside of Japan without disclosing it, while others turned to releasing whisky made from rice ...
Cases of a dangerous and highly fatal bacterial infection have reached record levels in Japan, official figures show, with experts so far unable to pinpoint the reason for the rise. As of June 2 ...
Soon it will be summer here in Japan, and for most people ... the beach is a gorgeous expanse of white, star-shaped sand made up of tiny coral and is surrounded by emerald waters that are perfect ...
When it comes to developing the best games the industry can offer, Japan and the West are in relative parity. But when it comes to adapting those games into prestige TV series, the country of ...
An interest in South American foods continues to build momentum in the UK and in response Michelin starred Chef, Diego Cardoso and his wife, Sofia have developed a range of chimichurri inspired sauces ...
opens new tab said on Wednesday it would sell its sportswear brand Champion to Authentic Brands Group in a deal valued at $1.2 billion, as the company looks to streamline business and focus on its ...
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