Poilievre, who left the chamber with his legislators, later repeated his attack on Trudeau’s stance on drugs. “This is a wacko policy from a wacko PM that’s destroying lives,” he said in a ...
Tensions flared in the Canadian House of Commons as the leader of the opposition Conservatives Pierre Poilievre was asked to leave after he called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a 'wacko' during a ...
Trudeau said in response ... Poilievre offered to replace the word "wacko" with "extremist" or "radical," and that didn't fly, resulting in him being named and told to leave.
After leaving, Poilievre posted on X that Fergus "censored" him for calling Trudeau's drug policies "wacko." The Conservatives also launched a fundraiser off the incident within an hour of ...
Speaker Greg Fergus kicked Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre out of the House of Commons during question period after he called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a wacko over his drug policy in ...
Poilievre, who left the chamber with his legislators, later repeated his attack on Trudeau's stance on drugs. "This is a wacko policy from a wacko PM that's destroying lives," he said in a social ...
At Issue this week: Pierre Poilievre gets booted from the House of Commons after calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his support for B.C.’s drug decriminalization 'wacko' and hints he’ll ...
Mr Poilievre's removal came after he refused to apologise for calling Mr Trudeau a "wacko" and "extremist" during a question period. They were debating British Columbia's controversial ...
The leader of Canada’s main opposition party was ejected from the House of Commons after he called Justin Trudeau “a wacko”. It followed a parliamentary clash on Tuesday between the ...
OTTAWA—You’ve probably heard him say it: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre claims Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government ...