Depleted Wales were hammered 4-0 in Slovakia to pile further pressure on beleaguered boss Rob Page.Slovakia got the perfect ...
Slovakia's prime minister posts pre-recorded speech online, his first appearance since he was badly wounded in shooting ...
Slovakia on Saturday kicks off the final two days of voting in EU-wide elections, under the shadow of last month's shooting ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Wednesday blamed his opponents for fostering the "hatred" that led to an assassination ...
The president of Slovakia, Zuzana Caputova, whose position is largely ceremonial, said in a statement, “The shooting of the prime minister is first and foremost an attack on a human being ...
A suspect has been taken into custody Wednesday after Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times, leaving him in a "life-threatening condition." The shooting happened in ...
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is hospitalized in a life-threatening condition Wednesday after he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt. The shooting took place after an ...
Speaking at a news conference later in the afternoon, she said the shooting was “an attack on democracy as well.” Slovakia’s defense and interior ministers blamed rising hate speech and ...
Thousands have repeatedly rallied in the capital and across Slovakia to protest Fico's policies. The shooting comes three weeks ahead of crucial European Union Parliament elections, in which ...
Speaking to Sky News Mr Heger said the latest information suggests the suspect in the shooting was 'radicalised' by a movement within Slovakia. We see that in Slovakia. There is a very high ...
Slovakia Shooting Suspect Says He Wanted to Hurt Fico, Not Kill Him By Jason Hovet and Jan Lopatka (Reuters) - The man detained over the shooting of Robert Fico said he had wanted to hurt the ...