Senegal's energy industry is undergoing a rapid expansion, embracing fossil fuels and renewable energy sources, with a focus ...
Senegal enters the oil era with Woodside Energy. Traveling in Africa remains challenging due to poor air connectivity. In ...
French President Emmanuel Macron and his Senegalese counterpart Bassirou Diomaye Faye met for the first time in Paris on ...
Senegal's Sangomar oil and gas field has produced its first oil, operator Woodside Energy said on Tuesday, turning the West ...
During Tabaski, as the holiday is locally known, Muslims commemorate the Quranic tale of Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice ...
Production has started at Senegal's first offshore oil project DAKAR, Senegal -- Production has started at Senegal's first ...
Senegalese customs said Tuesday they had intercepted three shipments of cocaine with a total estimated value of more than $50 million in the past five days.
The President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo told AFP Wednesday that he ordered the partial closure of its border with Senegal after deadly clashes erupted between two Muslim communities.
As Muslims worldwide prepare to celebrate Eid Al-Adha, Senegal’s locally bred star sheep have their moment to shine. The ...
Senegal's President Bassirou Diomaye Faye has said profits from the sale of oil and gas will be “well managed” as the West ...
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Everton linked with Senegal international forward
According to Foot Mercato, Everton have made another approach for 24 year old Senegalese forward Iliman Ndiaye, while other ...
DAKAR, Senegal — Production has started at Senegal’s first offshore oil project, the Australian group Woodside Energy said Tuesday, as the country’s new government eyes higher profits from ...