Delegates at the final U.N. meeting in November will likely fail to produce a binding international treaty that will reverse ...
With time running out to agree on a legally binding global treaty to end plastic pollution, delegates must hold firm on ...
From the moment I landed in Ottawa, the counter-argument of the ... As part of the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty, they shared fact sheets and peer-reviewed studies ...
"The global plastics treaty truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ... organization Ocean Conservancy, told Newsweek. In Ottawa, representatives for countries in the United Nations ...
Last week the UN Plastics Treaty reached its final stages of negotiations at INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada, to develop a legally binding, international agreement to tackle plastic pollution across the ...
Last month, the fourth session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC-4) to advance a global plastics treaty took place in Ottawa, and while nations finally began negotiating the exact ...
Environmentalists say the atmosphere in Ottawa was better and more cooperative ... Hopes for a worldwide plastics treaty gained some momentum at the fourth of five scheduled summits to hash ...
Governments are looking to regulate plastics, pushing for a draft treaty by the end of the year that could provide for ...
Last week the UN Plastics Treaty reached its final stages of negotiations at INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada, to develop a legally binding, international agreement to tackle plastic pollution across the ...