The country’s south received three months’ rain in two weeks. Global warming has made such deluges twice as likely as before, ...
As soon as the catastrophic flooding began in southern Brazil, our FedEx Latin America team reached out to the FedEx global ...
Brazil's consumer price data for May will likely show an acceleration in inflation, reflecting the damage from recent ...
Porto Alegre, the capital of Brazil’s southernmost state, has had to adapt after the metropolitan area of roughly 4.5 million ...
Officials in the southern part of the country have rescued more than 12,500 animals in recent weeks since catastrophic floods ...
Authorities in Rio Grande do Sul are investigating more than 800 suspected cases of leptospirosis after unprecedented floods.
Karine Pitana had just paid off the last installment on her new couch when floods tore through her hometown of Canoas in southern Brazil nearly two weeks ago. It was just a piece of furniture ...
Climate change doubled the likelihood of the historic floods in southern Brazil and amplified intense rains caused by the El ...
Greenhouse gases produced by human activity made the recent deadly flooding in Brazil twice as likely as it would have been ...
Tens of thousands of students in southern Brazil have been gone a month without seeing their classrooms after catastrophic ...
Brazilian exports of chicken meat totalled 451,000 tons in May, according to a recent market report from the Brazilian ...